Voter Pledge Cards
Why use pledge cards?
These can be used to track how many students your initiative is engaging, even if they are registering to vote online or not registering to vote at all.
Pledge cards provide you with contact information to follow up with newly registered voters and ensure they follow through and vote on Election Day. It also allows you to engage students for other future events and activations.
By including options for students to pledge to participate in other civic engagement opportunities, including volunteering for your initiative, you can create an inclusive activity for engaging all students whether or not they are eligible to vote.
You can use pledge cards at:
Student organization meetings and events
Classroom visits
Student life programming
Academic advising meetings
During orientation and welcome week
Parking and bus pass pick-up
Any event where you are registering voters!

Ask Every Student Paper Pledge Card Templates
To use these templates, you will need a (free) Canva account and access to a printer. We highly recommend printing these on perforated cards (such as these), but if you aren’t able to, you can use standard 8.5” x 11” paper and scissors or a paper cutter.
There are several templates included here. Choose the one(s) that work best for you, and edit the card however you would like to, including adding your own branding, logo, and a QR code to a website you’d like students to access on their mobile devices (such as your campus voting initiative’s webpage, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization’s website, or any other online voting tool that you use). We encourage you to think about your campus’ needs and plans, and then modify these cards to best fit your efforts. For example, some initiatives collect information on the issues that are most important to the study body through pledge cards, and use them to inform future programs.
Once you finish editing the card and are ready to print, save your design as a PDF (Print) and print it out. For most of these templates, select “print 6 copies per page” in your printer settings. The templates that require different settings include those directions in the description.
Tip: You can make a free account on the website to create QR codes and track how many clicks your website links/QR codes receive.
Simplified Version
We recommend using this card for quicker activities like Classroom Visits and collecting information at a voter registration table. The card on Page 1 focuses on election-related information. The card on Page 2 includes non-voting related civic engagement activities. When using these cards, we recommend distributing both versions to students so students who aren’t eligible to vote can still participate in your activity seamlessly.
Thank you to Albert Grass from Voto Latino Foundation for translating this resource into Spanish.
Original Version
We recommend using this version of the pledge card for full conversations with students. This card includes many engagement opportunities, both election-related and not, and is best for a situations where you have more time to walk through the process with each student.
This version is also translated into Spanish. See below.
Tear-Away & Plan to Vote Version
We recommend using this version of the pledge card when you wish to provide students with information to keep with them, in addition to collecting their information. This is great for activities where you help students make their plans to vote. When using this version, it’s important to customize and update the tearaway section with information such as the date of election day or if early voting is available for your jurisdiction.
We recommend printing these on cards with perforated tear-aways (such as these for the 4/page template and these for the 10/page template). This template should be printed onto the cards or standard 8.5” x 11” paper to scale (1 copy per page).

Ask Every Student Google Form Pledge Card Template
Google Form pledge cards are a great way to save on paper and automatically track the information entered into the cards. We created a simple template form that you can edit to fit your campus context. Make a copy of this template (Google sign-in required).
Tip: You can make a free account on the website to create a short link and QR code that students can use to access your form.