Get Involved!
How will you Ask Every Student on your campus to participate in the democratic process?
Ask Every Student offers high engagement opportunities for institutions aiming to advance or launch efforts that empower their students to participate in our democracy.
Alongside campuses across the country and with national and local nonprofit organizations, Ask Every Student participants join a community that is working to scale, apply, and implement nonpartisan voter registration strategies that reach every student on campus and set the standard for student voting accessibility and institutionalization.
Student leaders conduct voter registration at 2020-2021 Codesigner Campus, University of Nevada, Reno.
Join Ask Every Student as a campus!
Any campus may join the Ask Every Student initiative by becoming a Commitment Campus. Learn more about the benefits of being an Ask Every Student Commitment campus and how to join below. The Ask Every Student initiative also has a Codesigner Campus Cohort program for campus partners who want to engage at a higher level.
Any campus may become a Commitment Campus by completing the First Step Form. Commitment Campuses have the option to receive personalized support from the SLSV Coalition’s Campus Engagement and Support Coordinator and will have opportunities to connect with and receive support from partner organizations and other campuses within the AES network.
All Commitment Campuses have the opportunity to apply for funding as it becomes available, and will receive support throughout the funding application and distribution process, as well as assistance as the campus works to implement their proposals and action plans.
The Ask Every Student initiative’s Codesigner Campus Cohort program is a diverse group of student, faculty, and campus leaders from across the country who collaboratively design innovative tools and resources for campuses to use to implement strategies that ask every student at their institution to participate in the democratic process in a nonpartisan way and ultimately achieve full student voter registration of eligible students.
Applications are currently being reviewed for the 2025 Codesigner Cohort, and the 2025 Cohort will be announced shortly.
Sign up for our emails!
If you’re a nonprofit partner, a campus partner who just wants to stay in the loop, or for any other reason want to get updates about Ask Every Student programming and resources, as well as other ways to support student voting on college campuses, sign up for the Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition newsletters! The SLSV Coalition serves as the managing partner of the Steering Committee that runs the Ask Every Student initiative.
When signing up, make sure to select “Ask Every Student” in response to the question “What programs are you interested in learning more about?” to receive emails about AES.
Have any questions? Feel free to contact our team at