The Framework
The Ask Every Student Framework is based off of research-driven insights that full student voter registration of eligible students can be reached through the following three stages.
Integrating voter registration into existing processes with campus partners to equitably reach every student.
Executing inclusive, individualized voter registration and nonpartisan democratic engagement tactics during those processes.
Institutionalizing these tactics to be a sustainable part of your campus culture.
These three stages are intended to successfully Ask Every Student to participate in the democratic process.
This means adding a voter registration touch point as part of processes that every student has to go through while attending your institution (e.g. core classes, orientation, academic advising, parking pass pickup).
It is important to use an equity lens to intentionally integrate into processes and spaces that reach traditionally underrepresented students, especially students left out of processes such as orientation and first-year experience classes. Working intentionally with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) offices, commuter services, affinity-based student organizations, and other strategic partnerships can be essential for a truly equitable effort.
This stage is all about the frontline work of “Asking” Every Student. Executing begins with recruiting and training individuals to facilitate inclusive, nonpartisan conversations through which they can register students to vote. When possible, students should spend at least 3-5 minutes of one-on-one or small-group time focused on discussing and creating democratic engagement plans.
During that initial contact with students, you can also collect opt-out contact information through which your team can sustain contact and support students to follow through with their plans.
Institutionalization means ensuring your Ask Every Student strategy is integrated into the operations of your institution– even during non-federal election years. Institutionalization can be reached through creating and sustaining equitable and inclusive campus voting coalitions and having senior leadership actionably commit to full student voter participation.
It also means establishing a meaningful nonpartisan culture around voting that includes non-eligible student voters and ensures students lead the creative direction of the work while receiving institutional support. The work should be able to continue despite turnover between staff and student leaders.